Adding Value

Over time I have drastically reduced the amount of paper used in the office as we shift to digital messaging, notepads and post-it notes. Paper comes from trees, and I am very fond of trees, especially when they are alive. Occasionally, I print reports when I need to analyze data and I always use 100% recycled paper. I then have five steps to add value to what I perceive as a precious resource.

1. Use the blank spaces on the paper for notes.

2. Shred the paper and put it under my chickens’ fluffy bottoms in their layer boxes.

3. Apply soiled paper to the compost bin

4. Spread compost over soil to condition and improve the quality and welcome earthworms

5. Collect healthy vegetables, home-grown in the yummy soil

I am happy with this process because I am upcycling the paper several times, adding more and more value before ending up in the garden to become a food source. Not once did the paper get close to becoming waste.

As a service-based business QiBalance Bookkeeping does not need to deal with waste management on a large scale or regular basis, however, my husband and I have a waste management policy at home where my office is situated. ‘What comes onto the property is fully utilized with minimal waste leaving the property.’ We don’t always get it right, but we seek value in everything we bring home before throwing it away.

Are there areas in your business where you could add value, by fully utilizing something you have paid for with the valuable income you have generated in your business? What steps can you take before disposing of waste?

Preparing the paper

a look at the layer boxes

The girls

our vege patch and compost bin

our yummy home-grown vegetables


I do believe that every person has underdeveloped skills that can be utilized with encouragement and support from their employer. If you notice a natural skill in an employee, tell them what you see, and start a conversation as they may not be aware of their ability. Valuing employees in the workplace can lead to happier, more productive employees who are less likely to look for other employment opportunities. Your employees have intrinsic value.

When you lose an employee, they take their knowledge and experience with them, and believe me that has value. Take time to review your employee’s performance, annually at minimum, and leave space for them to share their goals and hopes with you, they may just fit a position you have been considering for your business.

I value working with small business and I value my employees, it is the people who surround me that bring joy and completion to my day. When I add value to an existing resource, I get double the value and that is good for me, for the community and for the planet.

So, where can you add value?

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