Have a Wonderful Holiday Break
/Many businesses will slow operations or take a break around the Christmas and New Year period. As the QiBalance Bookkeeping office will close at 5:00PM on Tuesday 24 December and reopen at 9:00AM on Monday 6 January, we would like to take this opportunity to convey to everyone our warmest wishes for a very happy holiday break. We look forward to reconvening with clients, contacts and friends again in the new year.
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A Look at 2024 and Onward
As the festive season approaches, it provides opportunity to look back on the changes, trials and triumphs of the past year. 2024 was a year of Paris Olympic Games and musical-movies in the Land of Oz. For businesses, it was also characterised by policy shifts, technological advancements, economic pressures and changes in consumer habits. We at QiBalance Bookkeeping take pride in the quality bookkeeping services we provide to continue supporting our clients through challenges and opportunities alike.
For QiBalance Bookkeeping, 2024 has been a busy year of welcoming new clients and team members, exploring new technological possibilities and rising to meet challenges. Sadly, we also said farewell to a greatly valued longtime team member Yuka LENO, who we will miss greatly and who we wish the very best going forward. We look forward to discovering, and making use of, what the 2025 calendar year has in store.
The holiday season presents a much-needed opportunity to switch off, recharge, and connect meaningfully with family and community. Business owners may also find ideas, goals and aspirations coming to them over the break. If this is you—we encourage you to make note of them and to get in contact with us when business reconvenes in the new calendar year. We at QiBalance Bookkeeping would love to help clients arrange budgets and cashflows to make your aspirations realised in 2025.